Thursday, 13 February 2014
The use of cell phones has been linked to a large number of health problems including cancer. Radiation from cell phones is alleged to penetrate the skull and cause permanent damages to the brain.

We’re advised to keep cell phones as far as possible from ears while talking, so as to minimize the amount of electromagnetic radiation reaching our brain. Keeping cell phones near chest is said to causes heart problems, while keeping them near groin, sexual dysfunctions. I was once advised by a wise guy not to use cell phones in public places like buses to protect others from passive exposure!
However, the above allegations have been brutally debunked by a UK research group that completed a 11 year old study on effect of mobile phones on health. The report found that there’s no evidence that the use of mobile phones leads to an increased risk of cancer, or other health risks.(

The research also entertained that exposure to electromagnetic waves during pregnancy does not cause cancer in early childhood—again a medical myth deflated.
Overall, Cell phones impose no major health risk. Mild headache may result due to prolonged exposure to cell phones, but goes away pretty soon.

Having said all these, I’d like to highlight that excess of anything is ultimately bad with cell phones being no exception. Obsessive use of cell phones is a type of addiction that needs medical attention. it’s wise to limit the use of cell phones before it turns into a dependence.