Friday, 8 August 2014


You’re a product of nature and nurture. According to the geneticist Curt stern, your genetic endowment for any particular trait can be compared to the amount of “stretch” that is possible in a rubber band. This potential stretch is an inherent characteristic of rubber bands, and it’s not the same for all bands—some have a great deal of stretch built into them while others have relatively little. The amount of stretch shown by a particular rubber band depends upon both it’s native endowment—i’e, it’s basic stretchability—and the amount of pressure, or pull exerted on it. Similarly, the amount of any particular trait shown by a person depends upon the person’s inborn potential, or “stretch” for the trait and the degree to which the person’s environment “pulls for” the development of that trait.

You may be blessed with an ideal physical symmetry in terms of your genetics, but it’s unwise to take your good health for granted. While genetic disposition of an individual is an active determinant of his or her psychophysical system, the role of environment on the same can’t be over looked.  When you usually have the freedom to configure your own lifestyle, there’s a chance of slipping into unhealthy habits like drug abuse, excessive masturbation or unprotected sex. In a long run, these habits can destroy your basic good health and eclipse the vitality you’ve gained from your parents as a part of your genetic programming. Taking your genetic plus points for granted, and ignoring the role of environment in your fitness can really be detrimental.

And if you feel you’ve not gained much genetic goodness from your parents, don’t fret. Remember that you’re like a rubber band, and the pull of environment matters a lot; it can compromise for the absence of those native traits you wished you had in you. Take the environmental factors in your control and configure a lifestyle that involves eating healthy, working out regularly, and exercising your creativity and intelligence. This will transform you into a different person, and also acknowledge you of new traits you never thought you’d ever have. This will leave no room for complaints and criticisms regarding your genetic insufficiency.