Saturday, 31 May 2014

PC: Michel Marcole/
If life is a recipe, fantasy is its necessary ingredient. It’s a preview of life’s coming  attraction because all your realities has their roots in fantasies and imagination that you once had. You may be fantasizing about a lot of thing: driving a Ferrari, being the president of your country, flying like a superman, or even dating the next ‘Miss Universe’, but not all fantasies and dreams are manifested into reality. Those which do are the genuine ones, and if you genuinely fantasize about a particular kind of girl you’d like to score with(the kind of girl which really exist, and are under your league I mean), this blog post will help you in that direction.

There was a guy—a ‘country-side’ friend of mine—who once shared his fantasy with me. He always wanted a kind of girl who’d be, well, just like him. (He was a unique piece in his locality; grew up watching Hollywood movies and listening to English ‘hip-hop’ and ‘metal’ unlike others who were much tuned into watching Bollywood films(that too old ones), and preferred country songs . He was conditioned into being quite different from others, and had a weird circle of friends—of smokers, alcoholics, gamblers, eve-teasers, and of some good peoples like me too.  He too smoked and gambled, but was good at heart, at least I could see that in him. “Man I’d never be able to find a girl in this place”, he used to tell me, “Indian girls are so fuckin’ traditional that they’ll never marry a man like me.” But he was wrong. The impact of “bitch-ialisation”(if that’s a word) is so intense that you’d rarely find a metropolis in India where those promiscuous seductress chicks are not present. Unfortunately, he didn’t live in a metro. “Come to Bangalore someday”, I told him, “This place doesn’t suit you well”. And he did came to Bangalore one day for his higher studies—a city which is getting notorious for it’s rave party ambiance day per day. He started frequenting nightclubs, bars and discos and soon landed himself a girl who was perhaps the carbon copy of him. Strangely, she smoked weed too!  

I am an adventure-loving guy, and all I want in life is to marry a girl who shares similar interest with me— a girl who’s always willing to pursue mad adventures, prefer going to a rain forest or an island for a vacation, and is willing to try out new things together. I try not to miss any opportunity of having adventures, and one day looking for such an opportunity, I set out from the home for the supermarket when the sky was dark with Cumulonimbus clouds( thunderclouds, I mean). It was already getting darker, and there was a high probability of rain. I was expectant of an adventurous walk in the drizzling rain, that too on the road that was lined with huge mango trees on both sides. However, on the way, things got nasty when the rain took the form of a storm. (It was monsoon in north India, and every day or the other, there’d be a storm that would shake unripe mangoes off its stalk.) The wind was so intense that the umbrella tossed inside out, and I was left bare-headed. I keept on walking in the storm, panting, and stopping every minute to get some air. 

My home was left only half a mile away when I saw a girl who too had her umbrella wrecked in the storm. I saw her throwing it aside and heading on in the rain enthusiastically, and kinda enjoyed it. ( I could tell that by the expression she had on her face, which I could she every time the lightning struck !) She was walking on the other side of road, and had her hands over the head to protect herself from the falling unripe mangoes. I managed to cross the road…and…talked to her. She told me that she was about to return home after having finished her coaching classes, but it started raining. Her friends asked her to stay back till the rain ceases but the ‘adventure-loving bug’ inside her tempted her to 'walk the rain'. I got a company for the night. I was no longer panting (In fact I was trembling with excitement). We walked all the way in gale, sharing our life stories (and also our phone numbers and Facebook ids). We became best friend. It was a dream come true for me. I didn’t propose her however because I knew I had to leave that state in two weeks, and go to Bangalore for my higher studies. Looking back, I guess I should again set out some day in the storm, to find another thunder-lady, to whom I can make love in the tempest; unfortunately, there’s no such storm in Bangalore J

The point is clear: to meet the girl of your fantasy, you must start frequenting places and put yourself into situation where there’s a high probability of meeting that special girl. If you want to date a chicken-head slut, hit nightclubs; if you want to score with health-conscious chicks, join gyms (Make sure to work out and get a good physique though); if you want a philanthropist wife who’d stay by your side and support you on your social ventures, join NGOs, and social clubs. And finally if you really(I mean really )want a kinky kind of girl you’d like to try out new things with on bed, and get your fetishistic fantasies fulfilled, (maybe)go to an Online Dating Site.

Keep fantasizing. Keep actualizing. Good luck.

Friday, 30 May 2014

It’s hard to pretend to be 'just friends' with a girl, when an intense feeling of love bubbles inside you for her. When you’re a victim of a secret, on-sided love, life gets exotic for you, and a bit uneasy too, but you love the complexities that comes as the parts of the package. It’s a phase in your life that stirs in your mind a whirlpool of elated emotions— perplexity, contemplation, expectation, excitement, and a whole lot of other psychological undulations accompanying.

It’s a phase in your life when you’re really acting like a OCD victim. Checking her Facebook wall compulsively every minute, anticipating her messages on your cell-phone every now and then, looking at yourself thousand times in the mirror judging your self-worth, driving yourself crazy re-playing the songs that intensifies your emotion for her, fantasizing romantic moments with her, and even feeling jealous of her. (Love and jealousy are the two sides of a same coin…When you find something you like to be out of your league, you start to feel jealous about it)

Your feelings for her make you act creepy whenever she’s around you, and this gets evident to your friends. They tease you calling out your name loud whenever she’s passes by, and you feel like thrashing them black and blue. But in some corners of your mind, you love the emotion it creates.

She starts to look hotter as the days passes by, hotter than any other women you see around her. Her eyes make you fall into a trance—an altered state of mind where you imagine yourself to be in her arms, feeling the warmth of her body on your bare skin. You imagine yourself kissing her endlessly on every part of her body, relishing her taste. You imagine being so closer to her that you feel her moist breath on your lips; You hear hearts throbbing together in unison.

You want to propose her, but there’s something that makes you stay away from asking her out . Maybe you’re afraid of loosing her completely;  you are not sure if she too has got similar feelings for you. You’re afraid of being rejected. It’s only the superficial believe that ‘she likes me as much as I like her’ is what keeps you happy and satisfied.

 Your friends continue to tease you, embarrassing you in silly ways whenever she passes by. There are some caring friends too who encourage you to go and ask her out like a man (After all it’s always the men who’re expected to make the first move). Despite the constant torture your mind and your friends inflicts on you, you’re able to keep yourself away from proposing her, and as a defense mechanism, your love takes on a different dimension—you start to deny your true feelings. In the elation of differential emotions, you kill your real feeling saying to yourself: I don’t love her; just want to fuck once, and let go!

As the time passes by, you take refuge in your fantasies.  You become naughtier, and you make her naughty too in your mind, painting her character with your carnal thoughts. Till then, you have had lost your virginity many times to her in mind. Infact, it becomes much of a routine for you—You jerk off daily fantasizing about her, kissing her lips, licking her private parts, fondling her breasts, making love to her in every possible positions, and treating her like a whore! She makes you come so badly; keeps you hard down there all the times. She’s your naughty little bitch. Your fantasy queen. Your secret love.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Model: Kishlay Singh
Okey…so let me get this straight. I’ve been blogging about certain topics for the past few weeks, and unfortunately, none of them were related to ‘hard-core’ fitness. Now I feel my blog posts have started to get monotonous (posts on psychology and all)…so decided to have a change of air. In this post I will be giving you the best advice on how can you get that coveted ‘beach body’ you see on televisions, and wish you too had one. Ready?

Men exercise for a number of reasons. Some just want to say fit and healthy(on recommendation of their physicians), while others hit the gym to get that herculean, beast-like body of  Arnold Schwarzenegger. While the craze for pumping iron has not receded completely, majority of the modern ladies seem to have changed their predilections. Most women now shuns at the idea of walking around with a huge, fleshy, monstrous, primordial hunter, instead preferring a guy who’s athletic, humorous, emotionally caring, and financially set(the last one may not be evident in high-school love, but honestly, it’s always a plus point to have some money in your pocket while you ask a girl out). The big, brawny creatures were once fancied by the ladies when evolution required them to be protected from wild threats (Ladies, imagine an age where you live in a forest, and need to kill a builder-beast for the dinner, for you can’t buy meat from the butcher. You’d definitely have to depend on your 'Micheal Kefalianos-type' husband to get some food for the night). But the same evolution has now conditioned women in seeking mates who are rich and smart and handsome. The wild animals are no longer a part of our society and the hunters are no longer needed. Beach body is the ideal athletic body that now majority of women eroticses about.

While men exercises for a number of reasons, your motive behind workout should be about something more than just staying fit and healthy. If you want that notoriously sculpted body that turns ladies' eyes on you every time you walk bare-bodied on the beach, it’s time to start this enduring journey right-away . It’s takes real hard work and dedication, trust me, and also a lot of sacrifices. You’ll understand once you start your journey in this direction.

Getting a beach body is tricky. I prefer to call it a subtle form of body modification, because you change your body against your genetics. There are two factors involved in growth: Environmental and Genetic. On an average, both work in unison to give you the kind of body you have. In average people, the genetic factors overcome the environmental factors. This happens when you’ve got no control over the diet you eat, and the kind of life you live, and the amount of workout you do. You eat what your mommy or your wifey or your nanny cooks for you, and you’re bound to attend to your vocation, your college or whatever it may be. You barely get time to hit the gym regularly. Result? An unsatisfied body you snub at!
The difference between a beach-model and a normal person is that those models have the environmental factors in their control, and they use it to their own advantage. To get a beach body you’ve got to take control of the environmental factors and learn to use it to your own advantage. And it should be a part of your own skill-package to find out how to manage time and resources in such a busy and economical world. If you’re unable to do that, unfortunately, you won’t be a able to get that ideal beach body—a bitter reality.  I have really put a lot of endeavor to get that, and now I have something I take pride in.  It’s on this basis that I educate other people about health and fitness. (It was Mahatma Gandhi Ji who once said, ‘If you want to correct others, you must correct yourself first’; and in my context, to advice others on how to get a beach-body, I had to first work out to get one for myself)
What I advice you is to make ‘workout’ your virtue, and live it. Incorporate exercise and yoga in your lifestyle, buy home gym equipments, and exercise whenever you get time. Start from easy ones, and finally increase the intensity of your workout. Hang pictures of your favorite model everywhere in your house, so as to stay motivated. And most importantly, join communities and health clubs that foster a comfortable ambience for workout. When you feel connected to the people who share similar interests, you’re more more passionate to live your virtue. Besides these, incorporate all others things you feel will help you get what you picture in your mind.
This is the best advice I can give you, for I've never followed a written set of instructions to get what I now feel proud of having. It was just experimentation, experience , trial and error, and motivation.
For any personal advise regarding health and fitness, you can catch up with me on facebook: